Having a Lifestyle Check Up

I have recently become a Telford and Wrekin "Health Champion." It wasn't an award but a voluntary role that many like me have taken on in the borough. 

As a health champion actively go out and meet with people and try to help them to improve their lives. Also we are encouraged to help ourselves. The role is a great way to improve our own emotional and physical health as well as our confidence, self-esteem and self-belief.

One of the things we are asked to promote is the role of the Healthy Lifestyle Advisors.

What's one of those I hear you ask?

Well it's what it sounds like. Somebody who offers advice on living a healthy lifestyle.

One of the services they offer is a FREE Full Lifestyle Screening. And yes you did read that right it's FREE as in it doesn't cost you anything.

So I emailed them to find out a little bit more about it. Within about 20 mins I got an email back asking if I had a telephone number they could call me on. I responded then a few minutes later one of the advisors called me back.

We had a brief chat about what it was all about and she suggested I could pop in to visit at some point. They operate a drop in service Monday to Friday during the hours of 9am till 5pm at the Library at Southwater in Telford Town Centre.

So I set aside a little time one Friday and paid them a visit.

I have to say the journey was fraught with danger. I had to walk through the European Christmas Market with all it's temptation. Thankfully I made it without succumbing to it's charms.

I made my way to the second floor and headed towards Room 14 where they are based. There I was met by Jackie the health advisor. I told her I'd come for a check but I didn't tell her I was a "Mystery Shopper." 

She explained to me all about the check, asked me to fill in a form and then proceeded to check my height, weight, blood pressure and body fat.

She asked if I smoked and how much a I drank. I no longer partake in either of these. :-)

Then she gave me the news. . .

My weight was 99.8kg
My blood pressure was 132/71
My BMI was 30.5
My body fat percentage was 29.3

That last one shocked me a little. Just under 1/3 of my body is fat. I mean we need some fat to exist but in terms of scale that's very high. I have had my BMI measured a number of times and because of my broad shoulders I brush it off but I couldn't with the body fat.

It was all delivered in a very positive way with the offer of further advice available in the future. It's very reassuring to know that the help is out there for people.

I am very pleased to report that it was an excellent session. It has given me something to work towards aver the coming months. It was certainly a good use of 30 mins.

I did tell Jackie about the fact I was a "Health Champion" I can highly recommend the service.

Realising you need to make a change is just the first step of a long process and you need all the help you can get.

So if you are a resident of Telford and Wrekin you can make use of this service.

It's FREE (I don't know if you've twigged that it won't cost you a penny)

Most importantly you could use it help point you in the right direction for your health. It seems silly to have something like this available to you and not use it.

Why not pay them a visit at:

Southwater One
Southwater Square,

Or you can also contact the team via:

Telephone – 01952 382582
Email – healthylifestyles@telford.gov.uk


  1. Sounds like a good idea. Do you know if they deal with mental health issues?

    1. There are programs and schemes relating to mental health around Telford. Drop them a line or visit the website.


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